
St George: a tribute in tweets

It being St George’s Day, Sir Keir Starmer took to Twitter to post a little video about how proud he was of the NHS and of himself (for being at Wembley during Euro 96 and for campaigning against the death penalty in other countries).

It was a fine attempt to bring people together. But you can’t please everyone, as the replies demonstrated. As ever with Twitter, the following should be read as [sic].

I wish Sir Keir would inspire with transformational policies rather than rely on this populist claptrap.

So pathetic… He’s been trying to be the English version of Trump,which is slang for you know what!

It’s such a shame you feel the need to find support amongst the Red Cross wearing reform/Tory vote…

Reckon you’ll convince two maybe three Daily Mail readers with this one, Keith. Slowly but surely, eh. Pass my regards on to Mandy.

I’ve never been more ashamed to be British than I am today. At some point is your party going to provide effective opposition or just continue to pander to Daily Mail readers and sing backing vocals for the Tories? I say your party, it ceased to be mine some time ago.

There’s not one thing I feel proud of as a British person. I get why you have to pump this parochial, patriotic dreck out – in order to get the Daily Mail ham people on your side – but it’s still deeply cringey and insincere.

Absolutely nothing to be proud of right now. Deeply ashamed.

I’ve never been less proud of this country right now.

I feel no pride today. Just a deep shame and embarrassment at what we’ve become; and understand this- I’ll be voting for your party because, in my constituency, that’s the best chance of removing the Tory. That, sadly, is pretty much it.

Never been more ashamed of this country. I don’t think you have any idea how people feel right now.

I am not proud. I have never been so ashamed to be English in my entire life. The StGeorge flag, like the Union Flag, has been misappropriated by the far right. You are just encouraging them in their nonsense.

There’s absolutely nothing about our national identity to be proud of

God knows how this country can ever unite and be proud of anything again. The damage done is massive and the task huge. I feel sick to the pit of my stomach most days and last night’s passing of the disgusting legislation is too depressing. Our poor kids

It has never been my “identity”. I am 71. Over the years I have become less proud of being either English or British. It got to the stage when I apologised for being English when travelling in Europe. You are too much of a tory to turn that around.

This looks all wrong ! It would have been better to send a message that we will strive to be kinder, more inclusive, more caring, more equal. Most people I know are ashamed to be British tbh I think you need to read the room more rather than listening to your advisors.

I’m not proud of the UK, I’m really not. I’m deeply ashamed.

Since 2016, I’m no longer proud but embarrassed and ashamed.

I cannot be proud sadly. Look at Brexit! The Rwanda bill! Also the huge inequality, the breakdown of our public services. In the 60’s and 70’s I was prouder , but that was also before I learned much more about how the English behaved in Ireland. Then I was mortified.

I have no shred of pride left in being British anymore. Brexit has seen to most of that. And the Tories ghastly policies have done the rest. I just want out now.

I’m ashamed of my country, ashamed of those who are complicit with this despicable Govt, ashamed of political cowardice, mealy mouthed platitudes whilst Sunak and his shower of UKIP little englanders continue to destroy the countries reputation for decency, fairness and respect.

I’m utterly ashamed to be English today.

I don’t feel very proud of a nation that would deport the desperate to a dangerous place, a nation that has turned its back on its nearest neighbours, a nation that allows the ruling class to pilfer our taxes for personal gain. No. I’m not proud of this nation right now.

There is no reason to be proud to be British anymore! We’re a disgrace, a joke and unimaginably cruel.

I find this English patriotism a bit jarring when you want to be PM of UK. Decency, honour & fairness have gone out of the window under this Govt as have belonging & inclusion, how are you going to return those to the UK? After last night what is there to be proud of?

I’m no longer proud to be British. Today is a particularly dark day as the Rwanda Bill passes. If you truly want to make this a country to be proud of, you need to fundamentally overhaul our constitution and political processes and start the process of rejoining the EU. Be bold.

Does our identity not mean we follow international law and, therefore, condemn apartheid? Why don’t we insist on Israel showing us the evidence of its investigations to back up its claims? We used to be a decent state

How can we be proud when you and the Labour Party support genocide. We should be ashamed.

Genocidal maniac

The patron saint of Palestine.

Why does he wear black shirts all the time! Weird

Rejoice! I have a vision. A mission. I am the chosen one. The footballer, the choir singer, son of a humble toolmaker. I am Sir Keir, the deceiver.

Me, me, me, all about me

No surprises here that Sir Keir hijacks patriotism and makes it about him.

Who the hell makes patriotism all about them?

Firmly draped in the flag of St. George. Not the Labour Party I grew up with, and hasn’t been for a long time.

Starmer is more Tory than Sunak strange days

Cross the floor

Keir Starmer is about as Patriotic as Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary!

Oh how grateful we are to have the Labour Party reminding us to be proud of our national identity on St Georges Day. Because without them, we would surely forget our own culture and history. Thanks for the reminder

Oh do one will you, you bloody hypocrite of a man!

Pure hypocrisy from Starmer.

rarely feel proud to be English, I am proud of my relatives who have fought for this country, sadly its a very different country today than it was 80 or 20 years ago. Install a new Bank Holiday on St Georges Day gift a national day off so people can spend time with their family

Will you make St. George’s Day a bank holiday, like your predecessor promised? Or is this just more hot air from you?

I would feel proud if it was made a Bank Holiday in England

If you were a proper Englishman you’d back my plan for us to invade France.

tool maker, specialized in making steps for bandwagons hmmm

Another day another bandwagon. Tweets about national identity yet the tweet fails to mention which country this is about! From the most unserious potential PM of all time. He’s quite serious about saving people that will destroy Britain though.

How very magnanimous of you, it must have pained you terribly to utter even this meagre acknowledgement of St George’s Day. Do tell, were your fingers crossed?

No one believes you of your party are patriotic. It must boil your piss to see St Georges Day trending. The more you and your ilk try to dilute us the more we’ll stand up for our history and traditions.

Yours and your party’s history on this means I don’t believe you and you’re saying anything in an election year. Fighting for your “friend” Corbyn, preferring Davos over Westminster and trying to overturn Brexit. Your idea of patriotism is different to others idea of patriotism.

This is so important. We left the EU not because of the EU but because England had lost its way a bit in terms of its identity. Labour with Starmer can bring us together as a country and as a nation. In my opinion.

little bit cringy I suppose but definitely one of the better ones of these that Labour has put out in recent years

Yeah this is good. About time we had a Labour leader celebrating this

I think you can stick your fake patriotism where the sun don’t shine!

Yeah but you’ve gotta give me something to work with here. Yesterday provided another compelling reason to loathe the place. Are you going to repeal Rwanda? I doubt it very much.

My only hope is that you cause real change to make me have some pride in the place where I live. Some unpopular decisions will need to be made. At the moment there is little in the U.K. to be proud of.

It is now an island in the north atlantic .. nowhere near the world stage with a dismal future if the Tories aren’t kicked out ..

Not feeling proud or confident today. I’m ashamed, sad and angry. We are a mean small frightened and broken country.

Same to you, Sir Kier. I voted for you to be leader, but I hope your stance riding several divergent horses at once isn’t going to prove too uncomfortable… for all of us.

We have a long way to go before our reputation in the world is restored. At present there is nothing to be proud of when it comes to our government & constitution. Thank goodness for our wonderful people & countryside! We need to have PR. reform & to rejoin the EU!

PR would go a long way to being sure about our country’s future, just saying.

Can you help our young people please – by taking up the EU offer of freedom of movement for 18 to 30s. Broadening horizons, learning from others and rebuilding bridges could make our nation an even better place. Otherwise, telling them the world is their oyster is a big fat lie.

We Brexited, and removed ourselves from the world stage. And it seems you want to keep us isolated and derided. But happy St George’s day to you.

You can stuff this faux patriotism where the sun doesn’t shine, the Labour movement has an anthem, the Internationale and our flag is Red. The only valid patriotism is to the Brotherhood of humankind.

I didn’t have any say in being born here, so there’s nothing for me to proud of.

We want to rejoin the eu

I’m British and European. I am not and never will be English. Don’t play down to the far right. Enough of that with tories and reform.

je suis européen

What are you for all the people fighting this government today. Nowhere. You are no leader

Slippery at best.

this stuff just comes across incredibly insincere. almost a tick the box exercise get a grip

You can be sure the UK’s future will mean continued austerity for the many, and riches for the wealthy under Labour’s plans.

All very confusing are we ‘great’ because we’re English or British? Which is it?

A tad colonialist in its depiction of the UK as only England …

Scottish, Welsh and Irish people are not welcome in Starmer’s party.

I’m Scottish

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